BGT george vs signature?
♥Pink Princess♥
2008-05-31 14:05:26 UTC
i mean dont get me wrong the boy done good but i found signatures act far more entertaining and had variety i know plenty of kids and teens that could go and dance like george

maybe if signature had a sob story they could of piped him to the post lol

does anyone else find him a little fake the george kid
23 answers:
2008-05-31 14:12:24 UTC
I loved them both but i think George deserved to win more.
2008-06-01 03:16:40 UTC
Signature deserved to win by far because it was a TALENT SHOW. George only got the votes because of his little sob story and the fact he's 'aww a cute little boy'. I knwo teenage dancers who are better than him, and his act was copied off a car advert some years ago where break-dancing ws mixed with singing in the rain. Signature are hilarious, amazing to watch and someone I would pay to see. Curse the public who voted that silly kid
2008-05-31 14:25:21 UTC
Neither George nor signature should have been in the top 10 even. Signature were entertaining enough in small doses' but what can they do next? Show Biz has hundreds, perhaps thousands of better dancers scraping a living in the background, mostly un-noticed by the viewers. They are a bit like wall paper, once its up you dont give it any thought.

3 months from now if you mention these two acts people will say "who"?

20 years from now Farrell will still be staring in Opera houses' around the world.

Incidentally, I do not particularly like Opera but that kid HAS got talent, with a big T.
Chris J
2008-05-31 14:18:49 UTC
I totally agree. Tbh during the whole competition I didn't even notice him really and I never thought to myself "He could win" like I did with alot of other acts. I'll admit he's a good dancer and I certainly couldn't do what he does but it was just so generic and boring. If it was a dance contest then I probably would have voted for him myself. But it wasn't.

Signiture should have won purely because they were more of a variety act and just that little bit(well alot) more entertaining
2008-05-31 14:32:56 UTC
I found signature entertaining and they were orginal. But George did deserve to win. He was an excellent dancer.

I don't like sob stories, especally the one with the children overseas but i liked george's act.

He'd worked hard and kept trying,he was an excellent dancer + i thought he deserved to win!
2008-05-31 14:18:45 UTC
I think George was pretty genuine really, it was kinda obvious he'd worked his socks off. Lots of kids can dance like that but usually they're little showy brats who think they're amazing, George was obviously amazed he'd won and couldn't stop crying because he'd worked so hard.

I have to admit though, signature was pretty good. I had no idea who would win.
2008-05-31 14:13:55 UTC
I don't think there's anything at all fake about George, and he's very talented. I don't personally love that style of dance, but it's obvious he's good. And he's got what it takes to forge a career for himself, so good luck to him.

Signature were brilliant, and I think there IS a story there - notice how one of the guys said it was the first time his father had come to one of his shows....

But overall I think the right act won.
2008-05-31 14:18:19 UTC
Signature did have a sob story! they were all 'if we could only do this for a living, we only have day to day jobs, if only we could get out of the 9 to 5 routine....' blah blah blah

I reallly liked Signature and i think it was right to be between them too

but George was the CLEAR winner!!
2008-05-31 14:27:12 UTC
I think Signature have the more entertaining act.
don't stop the music ♪
2008-05-31 14:10:30 UTC
I dislike sob stories but George's is completely genuine, for the past year he has been competing around manchester streets, there's loads of videos of him performing on youtube, so he can gain some money for his mum and that

he's genuinely a hard worker, he tried again this year and he is completely amazing and I'm so glad he won

I love signature but George deserved it I think! I don't know anyone who can dance like him!
2008-05-31 14:09:44 UTC
I agree with you. Plenty of kids can dance like him but Signature were more unique.
2016-09-30 07:39:13 UTC
ignored the practice checklist - watched him on youtube and likely i could say he's greater suitable than George Sampson - i in no way particularly took to George bless his little cotton socks... yet Aiden Davis is a splash stunner : ) And congrats to guy U LOL
2008-05-31 14:21:06 UTC
I loved george's act but signature were immense

George did have talent and the "likeability factor" lol

George deserved ....but signature I take my hat of to you :D
2008-05-31 14:11:33 UTC
Wow! You just summed up my thoughts completely!

I know many kids can dance like George but the Signature act is both entertaining and unique!

George was totally out of order for saying 'If I win, it will not just change my life, it will save my life'.

How the hell will it save his life? Will he die if he is runner-up?
2008-05-31 14:22:22 UTC
I think he's fantastic. He's modest, and he deserved it. He's not particularly well off. Besides, could you imagine Signature performing for Prince Charles? I don't really see him as being very amused...
2008-05-31 14:09:48 UTC
No, i like him. I did like signature but George deserved to win.
Amarjeet Singh Rai
2008-06-02 06:06:35 UTC
Signature should have won, their act was better.

But it was because it was similar to their first one.
♥ Beaver Diva Sue ♥
2008-05-31 14:13:27 UTC
Have to agree with you here - Well done George but it should of been Signiture who won - but hey that's the Great British Public for you !!
2008-05-31 14:11:52 UTC
he's not fake and everyone in that show had a sop story!

that always happens.

i doubt he's fake he was crying sooo much and i do agree that singnature were probably better but there act could easily get old. the fat guy keeps on coming in late...does sometihng funny, they dance. gets old after awhile.

and signature were complaining about going bak to PC world and how they just couldn't do that...

all of the acts complain about their bad lives...
2008-05-31 14:13:13 UTC
hate sob story. its so annoying.

signature act were my favourite throughout the whole show, and deserved to win, as they were original and very entertaining.
2008-05-31 14:10:19 UTC
i thought george was excellent i do street dancing for 4 months now and i could never do as good as he done

well done george u deserved it!!!!
Emma B
2008-05-31 14:10:05 UTC
someone is a tad jealous and/or bitter in my opinion

George didn't use any gimmicks to get where he did, it was all about PURE TALENT, which he is in abundance of and he is in a league of his own.
2008-05-31 14:09:00 UTC
i know! his thing is a bit generic and ... one-maned...

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